Our ambition at Wiseled is to connect with experienced and inspiring persons from the industry in order to get feedback and insight for how we can improve and adjust our products and offer. The other day we had the pleasure of having Major General Henrik H. Ekmann (ret.) visiting Wiseled at our headquarters.
Henrik has an interesting background and has made a major impact and influence on how the Danish Armed Forces looks today; as an example, he was chief of the Danish Army Material Command where he was responsible for the procurement of the Leopard 2 main battle tanks from Germany. They are still – in upgrade versions - one of the cornerstones of the fighting capabilities in the Danish Army. Henrik was also the first commander of NATO’s Multinational Corps Northeast established in Szczecin, Poland shortly after Poland became member of NATO in 1999. Today Henrik is a board member of Saab Danmark A/S.
‘What really strikes me after having visited Wiseled is the fact that a single product like the Xtruder - which at first sight seems extremely simple has such a span of purpose and usage in the operational environment – as a complementary part of a Remote Weapon Station, as a Non-Lethal tool for riot control or a key capability in the search and rescue toolbox’ – Henrik H. Ekmann, Major General (ret.)